西安锦尚盛业科技发展有限公司是一家集商用方块地毯、工程满铺地毯、塑胶地板、石塑地板、家用装饰毯及相关铺地材料于一体的全业态柔性地材运营商,公司业务涵盖工程、零售、渠道及电子商务,之前长期从事地毯出口贸易,客户遍及美国、德国、意大利、比利时、日本等国,拥有一支具有专业水准的地毯、塑胶地板营销及工程队伍。作为西北地区颇具规模的柔性地材营销企业之一, 影响力遍及西安及陕西全省,并辐射到甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆等西北全域及山西、内蒙等相邻区域。公司总部及展厅设在西安高新技术开发区,对公司经营产品有全品类全方位的展示。
目前,中国的柔性地材市场正以每年 20% 的速度递增,地毯及塑胶类产品已成为继地板、瓷砖之后的普及性地面铺装材料,随着西咸新区及丝绸之路经济带的设立,使西安成为商贸及新兴产业的高地和桥头堡,柔性地材市场潜力巨大。目前,锦尚盛业各项业务发展迅猛,工程项目覆盖众多星级酒店及各类宾馆、办公楼宇、商业综合体、教育机构等。
Xi’an Jinshang Shengye Technology Development Co., Ltd is a full-scale flexible flooring pruducts &service operator integrating commercial tile carpets, engineering full carpets, PVC (poly vinyl chloride) flooring, LVT (Luxury vinyl tile) floors, SPC (Stone plastic composite), home decorative rugs and related floor covering materials. The company's business scopes covers engineering, retail, wholesale and e-commerce. AS engaged in carpets exporting trade for long time , our customers all over the United States, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Japan and other countries before. The company kept in possessing a professional level of carpets & LVT SPC PVC floors marketing and engineering team. As one of the large-scale flexible floor materials marketing enterprises in the Northwest of China , its influence spreads throughout Xi'an and Shaanxi province, and radiates to the whole Northwest region such as Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, and Xinjiang, as well as adjacent regions such as Shanxi and Inner Mongolia. The company's headquarter and exhibition hall are located in Xi'an High-tech Development Zone, and there are full category and all-round display of the company's products over there.
At present, China's flexible flooring materials market share is increasing at an annual rate of 20%. Carpets and LVT SPC etc. products had became popular flooring materials after wood flooring and ceramic tiles. With the establishment of the Xixian New Area and the Silk Road Economic Belt, Xi'an has become a highland and a bridgehead for commerce and emerging industries, and the potential market for flexible flooring is huge. Now, various businesses of Jinshang shengye are developing rapidly, and the engineering projects all cover many star hotels and office buildings, commercial complexes, educational institutions, such as university, school, hospital etc.
The company adheres to the consistent service concept of "Detail, Delicacy, Perfection", with high quality, exquisite craftsmanship, and rigorous construction, the color and elegance of flexible floor materials such as carpets and LVT are perfectly presented to customers, reflecting the best quality, coordinate business environment and warm atmosphere.
Jinshang Shengye , paving the romance on your way . We will, as always, win the trust of customers with our sincere cooperation and share new opportunities for flexible flooring consumption with customers.